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Description of Level 3


In the academic (worldview) part of the Level 3 course, the students will have their minds and hearts expanded dramatically. In our Bible theology section, they will examine the most unique and powerful teaching of the Trinity, and its many ramifications. They will listen to a stirring lecture on reification, with application to our culture, and examine ten ways that a movie can be Christian. This will include some movie watching. Then they will dig deeper into Spiritual Power; why is this so important, and what are the secrets? This will be followed by a survey of the five best ways to spread Christianity and finally, we’ll examine our secret weapon – a super-tool without peer – for impacting lives, saving our culture and changing the future.


In the Level 3 course, the student will focus on a movie idea they dream of achieving. They will write out the first few pages and the last pages of their screenplay. These pages are crucial. A good writer starts any project with these pages and these first 2 pages must grab the attention of any reader. Then the student will write several scenes (or sequences) from their own screenplay. These might be dialogue, action or description. These scenes do not need to “make sense” in isolation, but the student should be able to explain how it fits into the bigger whole. In these writing assignments (and videos made from these), the student can dream big and write without concern for budget.


In the L3 course, we will do something totally different. The students will film two scenes from their own (much bigger) screenplay. This full-length screenplay need not actually exist, so the student will need to create or “guess” at what these scenes might be. The student can shoot as little as a single scene or as much as an entire sequence (which is several scenes). Generally, a sequence is a story in itself, but a single scene does not need to “make sense” in itself. The student should think of these videos as rough sketches of what they would like to shoot if they had the money. The student should feel free to use any methods or gimmicks they wish. They could use “fake” props, set up a green screen, or add instructions via words. It’s totally up to the student. The only limitation is that these two videos should be labelled and briefly explained as to how they might fit into the larger story. As always, creativity is considered a good thing. 

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